Geneset Network Topology Analysis

Here are all the GNT analyses that pygna can perform. For each of them a single geneset topology is tested with the specified test statistics.

GNT Module analysis

Test Topology Module

test-topology-module performs geneset network topology module analysis.

It computes a p-value for the largest connected component of the geneset being bigger than the one expected by chance for a geneset of the same size.

usage: pygna test-topology-module [-h] [--setname SETNAME] [--size-cut SIZE_CUT] [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [-c CORES] [--n-bins N_BINS] [--output-lcc OUTPUT_LCC]
                                [-r RESULTS_FIGURE] [-d DIAGNOSTIC_NULL_FOLDER]
                                network-file geneset-file output-table

    Performs geneset network topology module analysis.
    It computes a p-value for the largest connected component of the geneset being bigger than the one expected by chance
    for a geneset of the same size.

positional arguments:
network-file          network file
geneset-file          GMT geneset file
output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--setname SETNAME     Geneset to analyse (default: -)
--size-cut SIZE_CUT   removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
-c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
--n-bins N_BINS       if >1 applies degree correction by binning the node degrees and sampling according to geneset distribution (default: 1)
--output-lcc OUTPUT_LCC
                        for creating a GMT file with the LCC lists pass a GMT filename (default: -)
                        barplot of results, use pdf or png extension (default: -)
                        plot null distribution, pass the folder where all the figures are going to be saved (one for each dataset) (default: -)

GNT Degree analysis

Test topology internal degree

test-topology-internal-degree performs the analysis of internal degree. It computes a p-value for the ratio of internal degree of the geneset being bigger than the one expected by chance for a geneset of the same size.

usage: pygna test-topology-internal-degree [-h] [--setname SETNAME] [--size-cut SIZE_CUT] [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [-c CORES] [--n-bins N_BINS] [-r RESULTS_FIGURE]
                                        [-d DIAGNOSTIC_NULL_FOLDER]
                                        network-file geneset-file output-table

    Performs the analysis of internal degree.
    It computes a p-value for the ratio of internal degree of the geneset being bigger than the one expected by chance
    for a geneset of the same size.

positional arguments:
network-file          network file
geneset-file          GMT geneset file
output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--setname SETNAME     Geneset to analyse (default: -)
--size-cut SIZE_CUT   removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
-c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
--n-bins N_BINS       if >1 applies degree correction by binning the node degrees and sampling according to geneset distribution (default: 1)
                        barplot of results, use pdf or png extension (default: -)
                        plot null distribution, pass the folder where all the figures are going to be saved (one for each dataset) (default: -)

Test topology total degree

test-topology-total-degree performs the analysis of total degree of the network. It computes a p-value for the ratio of total degree of the geneset being bigger than the one expected by chance for a geneset of the same size.

usage: pygna test-topology-total-degree [-h] [--setname SETNAME] [--size-cut SIZE_CUT] [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [-c CORES] [-r RESULTS_FIGURE]
                                        [-d DIAGNOSTIC_NULL_FOLDER]
                                        network-file geneset-file output-table

    Performs the analysis of total degree of the .

    It computes a p-value for the ratio of total degree of the geneset being bigger than the one expected by chance
    for a geneset of the same size.

positional arguments:
network-file          network file
geneset-file          GMT geneset file
output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--setname SETNAME     Geneset to analyse (default: -)
--size-cut SIZE_CUT   removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
-c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
                        barplot of results, use pdf or png extension (default: -)
                        plot null distribution, pass the folder where all the figures
                        are going to be saved (one for each dataset) (default: -)

GNT Shortest Path Analysis

Test topology shortest path

test-topology-sp performs geneset network topology shortest path analysis. It computes a p-value for the average shortest path length of the geneset being smaller than expected by chance for a geneset of the same size.

Consider that the computation of the shortest path matrix for a network can be considerably slow, however it only needs to be done once for each network (and can then be reused). We have separated the generation of the matrix step, refer to build-distance-matrix.

usage: pygna test-topology-sp [-h] [--setname SETNAME] [--size-cut SIZE_CUT] [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [-c CORES] [-i] [--n-bins N_BINS] [-r RESULTS_FIGURE]
                            [--diagnostic-null-folder DIAGNOSTIC_NULL_FOLDER]
                            network-file geneset-file distance-matrix-filename output-table

    Performs geneset network topology shortest path analysis.

    It computes a p-value for the average shortest path length
    of the geneset being smaller than expected by chance
    for a geneset of the same size.

positional arguments:
network-file          network file
geneset-file          GMT geneset file
                        distance hdf5 matrix file generated by pygna
output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--setname SETNAME     Geneset to analyse (default: -)
--size-cut SIZE_CUT   removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
-c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
-i, --in-memory       set if you want the large matrix to be read in memory (default: False)
--n-bins N_BINS       if >1 applies degree correction by binning the node degrees and sampling according to geneset distribution (default: 1)
                        barplot of results, use pdf or png extension (default: -)
--diagnostic-null-folder DIAGNOSTIC_NULL_FOLDER
                        plot null distribution, pass the folder where all the figures are going to be saved (one for each dataset) (default: -)

GNT Random Walk Analysis

Test topology random walk with restart

test-topology-rwr performs the analysis of random walk probabilities. Given the Random Walk with Restart matrix, it compares the probability of walking between the genes in the geneset compared to those of walking between the nodes of a geneset with the same size

For the generation of the RWR matrix check build-rwr-diffusion

usage: pygna test-topology-rwr [-h] [--setname SETNAME] [--size-cut SIZE_CUT] [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [-c CORES] [-i] [--n-bins N_BINS]
                            [--results-figure RESULTS_FIGURE] [-d DIAGNOSTIC_NULL_FOLDER]
                            network-file geneset-file rwr-matrix-filename output-table

    Performs the analysis of random walk probabilities.
    Given the RWR matrix, it compares the probability of walking between the genes in the geneset compared to
    those of walking between the nodes of a geneset with the same size

positional arguments:
network-file          network file, use a network with weights
geneset-file          GMT geneset file
rwr-matrix-filename   hdf5 RWR matrix obtained with pygna
output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--setname SETNAME     Geneset to analyse (default: -)
--size-cut SIZE_CUT   removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
-c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
-i, --in-memory       set if you want the large matrix to be read in memory (default: False)
--n-bins N_BINS       if >1 applies degree correction by binning the node degrees and sampling according to geneset distribution (default: 1)
--results-figure RESULTS_FIGURE
                        barplot of results, use pdf or png extension (default: -)
                        plot null distribution, pass the folder where all the figures are going to be saved (one for each dataset) (default: -)

Geneset Network Association Analysis

Here are all the GNA analyses that PyGNA can perform. For each of them two sets are compared, one can pass:

  • only one geneset: association between each set is computed
  • two genesets: association between all the terms in the two genesets is computed

GNA Shortest Path

Test association shortest path

pygna test-association-sp performs comparison of network location analysis. If the flag –keep is passed, the B geneset is kept fixed, and doesnt’t get permuted It computes a p-value for the shortest path distance between two genesets being smaller than expected by chance If only A_geneset_file is passed the analysis is run on all the pair of sets in the file, if both A_geneset_file and B_geneset_file are passed, one can specify the setnames for both, if there is only one geneset in the file, setname_X can be omitted, if both sets are in the same file, B_geneset_file can be not specified, but setnames are needed.

usage: pygna test-association-sp [-h] [--setname-a SETNAME_A] [--file-geneset-b FILE_GENESET_B] [--setname-b SETNAME_B] [--size-cut SIZE_CUT] [-k] [-c CORES] [-i]
                                [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [--n-bins N_BINS] [-r RESULTS_FIGURE]
                                network-file file-geneset-a distance-matrix-filename output-table

    Performs comparison of network location analysis. If the flag
    --keep  is passed, the B geneset is kept fixed, and doesnt't get permuted.

    It computes a p-value for the shortest path distance between two genesets being smaller than expected by chance
    If only A_geneset_file is passed the analysis is run on all the pair of sets in the file, if both
    A_geneset_file and B_geneset_file are passed, one can specify the setnames for both, if there is only one
    geneset in the file, setname_X can be omitted, if both sets are in the same file, B_geneset_file can be not
    specified, but setnames are needed.

positional arguments:
network-file          network file
file-geneset-a        GMT geneset file, if it's the only parameter passed the analysis is gonna be run on all the pair of datasets, otherwise specify the other files and setnames
                        distance matrix file generated by pygna
output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--setname-a SETNAME_A
                        Geneset A to analyse (default: -)
--file-geneset-b FILE_GENESET_B
                        GMT geneset file (default: -)
--setname-b SETNAME_B
                        Geneset B to analyse (default: -)
--size-cut SIZE_CUT   removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
-k, --keep            if true, keeps the geneset B not permuted (default: False)
-c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
-i, --in-memory       set if you want the large matrix to be read in memory (default: False)
--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
--n-bins N_BINS       if >1 applies degree correction by binning the node degrees and sampling according to geneset distribution (default: 1)
                        barplot of results, use pdf or png extension (default: -)

GNA Random Walk

Test association random walk with restart

test-association-rwr performs comparison of network location analysis. It computes a p-value for the shortest path distance between two genesets being smaller than expected by chance If only A_geneset_file is passed the analysis is run on all the couples of sets in the file, if both A_geneset_file and B_geneset_file are passed, one can specify the setnames for both, if there is only one geneset in the file, setname_X can be omitted, if both sets are in the same file, B_geneset_file can be not specified, but setnames are needed.

usage: pygna test-association-rwr [-h] [--setname-a SETNAME_A] [--file-geneset-b FILE_GENESET_B] [--setname-b SETNAME_B] [--size-cut SIZE_CUT] [-k] [-c CORES] [-i]
                                [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [--n-bins N_BINS] [--results-figure RESULTS_FIGURE]
                                network-file file-geneset-a rwr-matrix-filename output-table

    Performs comparison of network location analysis.

    It computes a p-value for the shortest path distance
    between two genesets being smaller than expected by chance.

    If only A_geneset_file is passed the analysis is run on all the pair of sets in the file, if both
    A_geneset_file and B_geneset_file are passed, one can specify the setnames for both, if there is only one
    geneset in the file, setname_X can be omitted, if both sets are in the same file, B_geneset_file can be not
    specified, but setnames are needed.

positional arguments:
network-file          network file
file-geneset-a        GMT geneset file
rwr-matrix-filename   .hdf5 file with the RWR matrix obtained by pygna
output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--setname-a SETNAME_A
                        Geneset A to analyse (default: -)
--file-geneset-b FILE_GENESET_B
                        GMT geneset file (default: -)
--setname-b SETNAME_B
                        Geneset B to analyse (default: -)
--size-cut SIZE_CUT   removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
-k, --keep            if true, keeps the geneset B unpermuted (default: False)
-c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
-i, --in-memory       set if you want the large matrix to be read in memory (default: False)
--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
--n-bins N_BINS       if >1 applies degree correction by binning the node degrees and sampling according to geneset distribution (default: 1)
--results-figure RESULTS_FIGURE
                        heatmap of results (default: -)

Weights Diffusion Analysis

Test diffusion hotnet

Performs the analysis of random walk applying the weights of an upstream analysis. Given a csv file the user needs to specify the columns of interest and the threshold of significance. For the analysis the StatisticalDiffusion is used with hotnet_diffusion_statistic function.

usage: pygna test-diffusion-hotnet [-h] [--name-column NAME_COLUMN] [-w WEIGHT_COLUMN] [--filter-column FILTER_COLUMN] [--filter-condition FILTER_CONDITION]
                               [--filter-threshold FILTER_THRESHOLD] [--normalise] [-s SIZE_CUT] [--number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS] [-c CORES] [-i]
                               network-file geneset-file rwr-matrix-filename output-table

positional arguments:
  network-file          network file, use a network with weights
  geneset-file          csv geneset file
  rwr-matrix-filename   hdf5 RWR matrix obtained with pygna
  output-table          output results table, use .csv extension

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name-column NAME_COLUMN
                        Column to use as name (default is deseq2) (default: 'gene_name')
  -w WEIGHT_COLUMN, --weight-column WEIGHT_COLUMN
                        Column to use as weight (default is deseq2) (default: 'stat')
  --filter-column FILTER_COLUMN
                        Column used to define the significant genes (default is deseq2) (default: 'padj')
  --filter-condition FILTER_CONDITION
                        Condition for significance (default: 'less')
  --filter-threshold FILTER_THRESHOLD
                        threshold for significance (default: 0.01)
  --normalise           pass this flag for using only positive values in the analysis (default: False)
  -s SIZE_CUT, --size-cut SIZE_CUT
                        removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut (default: 20)
  --number-of-permutations NUMBER_OF_PERMUTATIONS
                        number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue (default: 500)
  -c CORES, --cores CORES
                        Number of cores for the multiprocessing (default: 1)
  -i, --in-memory       set if you want the large matrix to be read in memory (default: False)

Hypothesis testing

For both GNT and GNA we carry out hypothesis testing where the null hypothesis is that the statistic for the tested geneset is not more extreme than expected by change. Since closed form definitions for all null distributions are difficult to define, we compute the null distributions by randomly resampling the nodes of the network conditioned on the geneset size.

For example, for a GNT on a geneset of size \(n\) by passing the Number Of Permutations \(NOP\) parameter, \(NOP\) random sets or nodes are drawn and on each of the test statistic to build the null distribution.

Let \(\bar{q}\) the observed value for the statistic and \(Q\) the null distribution we derive an empirical p-value as follows:

\[P(\bar{q} \geq Q ) = \dfrac{(\sum_{i=1}^{NOP}I(Q_i \geq \bar{q}))+1}{NOP+1}\]

where \(I\) is the indicator function returning 1 if and only if the evaluated condition is true and continuity correction is applied.

Degree corrected sampling

We also allow to correct the resampling strategy on the degree distribution of the input geneset. This way the null distribution is normalised on the degree of the test set.

To enable this function pass the parameter –n-bins Nb with \(Nb > 1\). In this case, the degrees of all nodes in the network are estimated and their frequency computed on a binned histogram. The Nb parameter is indeed used to specify the number of bins for the histogram. Consider that a low number of bins corresponds to a low resolution of the histogram, however specifying too many bins might correspond to sampling at random from the same nodes of the tested geneset.

In particular the probability of sampling node \(y\) is proportional to (tested nodes in bin k)/((tested nodes) (all nodes in bin k))

GNA: association sampling

In a GNA two genesets are tested for their association. When testing a signle geneset against many pathways we recommend the use of the –keep flag. This way, while resampling only the geneset a will be randomly permuted and the geneset b is going to be kept as it is. This strategy is more conservative and is helpful in testing whether the tested geneset is more strongly connected to the pathway (or any other geneset of interest) than expected by chance.