
We have created a framework for testing the performance of Geneset Network analysis: it allows the experimenter to create simulated networks specifying many parameters. The model we use is the Stochastic Block Model and Degree Model that provides a way to create the network and identify clusters into it.

Stochastic Block Model

We provide both functions to generate stochastic block model simualated data like below. On the left is the model used for GNT benchmarking and on the right the one for GNA benchmarking.

For a quick primer on SBM, you can check the page below:

For each simulation we return both the whole network and a gmt file with the blocks.


GNT Benchmarking

usage: pygna generate-gnt-sbm [-h] [-N N] [-b BLOCK_SIZE] [--d D]
                            [-f FOLD_CHANGE] [--descriptor DESCRIPTOR]
                            output-tsv output-gmt

    This function generates 3 blocks with d*fold_change probability
    and other 3 blocks with d probability.
    Make sure that 6*cluster_size < N

positional arguments:
output-tsv            output network filename
output-gmt            output geneset filename, this contains only the blocks

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-N N, --N N           number of nodes in the network (default: 1000)
-b BLOCK_SIZE, --block-size BLOCK_SIZE
                        size of the first 6 blocks (default: 50)
--d D                 baseline probability of connection, p0 in the paper
                        (default: 0.06)
-f FOLD_CHANGE, --fold-change FOLD_CHANGE
                        positive within-block scaling factor for the
                        probability of connection, Mii = fold_change * d
                        (alpha parameter in the paper) (default: 2.0)
--descriptor DESCRIPTOR
                        descriptor for the gmt file (default: 'mixed_sbm')

GNA Benchmarking

usage: pygna generate-gna-sbm [-h] [--output-gmt2 OUTPUT_GMT2] [-N N]
                            [-b BLOCK_SIZE] [--d D] [--fc-cis FC_CIS]
                            [--fc-trans FC_TRANS] [-p PI]
                            [--descriptor DESCRIPTOR] [-s SBM_MATRIX_FIGURE]
                            output-tsv output-gmt

    This function generates benchmark network and geneset to test
    the crosstalk between two blocks.

    This function generates 4 blocks with d*fold change probability
    and other 4 blocks with d probability.
    The crosstalk is set both between the the first 4 blocks and the others.

    Make sure that 8*cluster_size < N

positional arguments:
output-tsv            output_network
output-gmt            output geneset filename, this contains only the blocks

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--output-gmt2 OUTPUT_GMT2
                        mixture output geneset filename, this contains the
                        mixture blocks (default: -)
-N N, --N N           number of nodes in the network (default: 1000)
-b BLOCK_SIZE, --block-size BLOCK_SIZE
                        size of the first 8 blocks (default: 50)
--d D                 baseline probability of connection, p0 in the paper
                        (default: 0.06)
--fc-cis FC_CIS       positive within-block scaling factor for the
                        probability of connection, Mii = fc_cis * d (alpha
                        parameter in the paper) (default: 2.0)
--fc-trans FC_TRANS   positive between-block scaling factor for the
                        probability of connection, (beta parameter in the
                        paper) (default: 0.5)
-p PI, --pi PI        percentage of block-i nodes for the genesets made of
                        block-i and block-j. Use symmetrical values (5,95),use
                        string comma separated (default:
--descriptor DESCRIPTOR
                        shows the blockmodel matrix (default: -)

High Degree Nodes simulations

Generate the network and geneset file

The high degree nodes (HDN) model generates networks with a controllable number of hubs, HDNs, whose probability of connection with another node is higher than the baseline probability assigned to any other node in the network.

usage: pygna generate-hdn-network [-h] [--n-nodes N_NODES]
                                [--network-prob NETWORK_PROB]
                                [--hdn-probability HDN_PROBABILITY]
                                [--hdn-percentage HDN_PERCENTAGE]
                                [--number-of-simulations NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS]
                                output-folder prefix

    This function generates a simulated network using the VIP model

positional arguments:
output-folder         the output folder path
prefix                the prefix of the file to be saved

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--n-nodes N_NODES     the number of nodes in the network (default: 1000)
--network-prob NETWORK_PROB
                        probability of connection in the network (default:
--hdn-probability HDN_PROBABILITY
                        probability of connection of the HDNs (default: 0.3)
--hdn-percentage HDN_PERCENTAGE
                        percentage of HDNs (default: 0.05)
--number-of-simulations NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS

Add genesets

Given the generated network and node list of HDNs, we can then generate novel genesets made of mixtures of the two.

We show the idea of how they are generated below. First is the original network with a number of HDNs, then the partial, extended, and branching genesets.


Add extended genesets

usage: pygna hdn-add-extended [-h] [--hdn-set HDN_SET] [-g GENERAL_SET]
                            [--reps REPS] [-p PERCENTAGE_EXTENDED_VIPS]
                            [--ratio-others RATIO_OTHERS]
                            [-o OUTPUT_GENESET_FILE]

    Creates new genesets from the vip list, number of genesets and portion of genes
    can be specified by input. The final new geneset is going to be formed by:
    percentage ev * HDN_total + ratio* percentage ev*vips total.

positional arguments:
input-geneset-file    input geneset containing the sets to be merged

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--hdn-set HDN_SET     setname of the HDNs in the geneset (default:
-g GENERAL_SET, --general-set GENERAL_SET
                        other setname in the geneset (default: 'cluster_0')
--reps REPS           number of new genesets made of part of HDNs (default:
                        percentage of HDNs in the new genesett (default:
--ratio-others RATIO_OTHERS
                        ratio of genes to add to HDNs (default: '[2,2.5,3,4]')
                        if no output gmt filename is passed, the data is added
                        to the input file (default: -)

Add partial genesets

usage: pygna hdn-add-partial [-h] [--hdn-set HDN_SET] [-g GENERAL_SET]
                            [-r REPS] [-p PERCENTAGE_PARTIAL_VIPS]
                            [-o OUTPUT_GENESET_FILE]

    Creates new genesets from the vip list, number of genesets and portion of
    genes can be specified by input.

positional arguments:
input-geneset-file    input geneset containing the sets to be merged

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--hdn-set HDN_SET     setname of the HDNs in the geneset (default:
-g GENERAL_SET, --general-set GENERAL_SET
                        other setname in the geneset (default: 'cluster_0')
-r REPS, --reps REPS  number of new genesets made of part of vips (default:
                        percentage of HDNs in the new geneset (default:
                        if no output gmt filename is passed, the data is added
                        to the input file (default: -)

Add branching genesets

usage: pygna hdn-add-branching [-h] [--hdn-set HDN_SET] [-g GENERAL_SET]
                            [--number-of-hdns NUMBER_OF_HDNS]
                            [--number-of-reps NUMBER_OF_REPS]
                            [--output-geneset-file OUTPUT_GENESET_FILE]
                            [--output-graph-file OUTPUT_GRAPH_FILE]
                            input-geneset-file network-file

    Creates new genesets from the vip list, new genesets are created adding 1 step
    nodes to vips. The new genes are created as branches.

positional arguments:
input-geneset-file    input geneset containing the sets to be merged
network-file          network filename

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--hdn-set HDN_SET     setname of the HDNs in the geneset (default:
-g GENERAL_SET, --general-set GENERAL_SET
                        other setname in the geneset (default: 'cluster_0')
--number-of-hdns NUMBER_OF_HDNS
                        number of seed HDNs to start adding nodes (default: 3)
--number-of-reps NUMBER_OF_REPS
                        number of new genesets created for each condition
                        (default: 3)
--output-geneset-file OUTPUT_GENESET_FILE
                        if no output gmt filename is passed, the data is added
                        to the input file (default: -)
--output-graph-file OUTPUT_GRAPH_FILE
                        if graphml file is passed the network with labels is
                        written (default: -)

General model (old)

This function is still working, however now networkx provides a function to generate SBM networks. We will then change this function to use directly networkx for the generation.

All the parameters can be specified in a yaml file that is passed as input. As output, we obtain a file with the network and a .gmt file where the nodes have been grouped by the respective cluster they are in.

Example yaml

BlockModel :
  n_nodes: 100
  matrix: [[0.8,0.1,0.1],[0.1,0.8,0.1],[0.1,0.1,0.8]]
  nodes: ""
  nodes_in_cluster: None
  n_simulated: 1
  output_folder: "/home/viola/Desktop/geneset-network-analysis/processed_data/simulated_data/"
  suffix: attempt1

The Simulations parameters are used to specify the number and name of the output:

  • n_simulated we can specify the number of networks we want to generate with the same settings
  • output_folder specifies the folder where the output files are going to be saved
  • suffix is the suffix used for the output.

For each simulated datasets there are two output files:

  • suffix_network_$simulation.tsv : the network file
  • suffix_genes_$simulation.gmt : the gene list grouped by cluster

The BlockModel parameters are those used to generate the SBM:

  • n_nodes number of nodes of the network
  • matrix SBM matrix
  • nodes: "" names of the nodes, if not specified N$number
  • nodes_in_cluster: None: Number of nodes thatwe want to assign to each cluster

Example simulated dataset generation and Analysis

Generation of the network and genesets

$ pygna generate-simulated-network ../simulationBM.yaml